Historic World Church’s Journey to Joy : a Sense of Intentionality

NEWS | 3 April 2024 | Annette Walwyn Michael

After 130 years, the Seventh-day Adventist church In the heart of Suriname is seeking to swim against the tide of secularism, apathy, and a culture that nurses more than eighteen different languages. 

Reading time | 3 mins

Pastor Ainsworth Keith Morris and Sister Gale Murphy arrived on St. Croix for the "Impact ’24 Your Journey to Joy Series". They were warmly welcomed by President of the North Caribbean Conference (NCC) Pastor Desmond James, Pastor Thomas Rose, Senior Minister, Pastor Wynfield Ambrose, Associate Pastor and first Elder Browne. Dr. Morris is one of four speakers invited to the island to share during the two week series that began on March 30, 2024. Image by Central SDA Church Media.

On March 28, 2024, local church officials and members welcomed the Impact '24: Your Journey to Joy team to Henry E. Rohlsen Airport in St. Croix (STX). This team from the Treasury Department of the General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists (GC) has traveled to St. Croix for a 15-day multi-front mission project from March 30 to April 14, to which GC President, Pastor Ted Wilson, has given his blessing. The Treasury Department is not alone, however. Many others are involved, and every member and officer of the church in St. Croix, from its president, Pastor Desmond James to the youngest member, has been invited to come with their families and friends on this historic venture.

Such a focus on one Division, one Conference, and all districts in one area apparently has never been attempted anywhere in the history of the SDA church. Now it has made its maiden voyage to St Croix. Could Impact '24: Your Journey to Joy be a paradigm for evangelism in the future?

Hundreds of church members on St. Croix attended the launch of the initiative at the Central Seventh day Adventist Church on St Croix, January 26-28, 2024. Among those in attendance were Dr. Emil E Peeler, senior pastor of the Capitol Hill SDA Church and the evangelistic coordinator for the series, Elder Josue Pierre, Associate Treasurer of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Karen Glassford, Digital Evangelism Manager for Communication and Media Ministries at the General Conference along with Administrators, local pastors and representatives from Loma Linda University. Image by Central SDA Church Media.

Site Selection. Why St. Croix?

Preparation for this Journey to Joy began after the 2022 General Conference Session. Led by the Spirit, the GC Treasury Department discussed attempting a mission project. Their Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Paul Douglas, called the leadership for a 10-day strategy session away from the office to discuss where they should go and what they could accomplish on their mission trip. According to Josh Pierre, Associate Treasurer of the GC, “We considered safety, travel, access to the territory, and cost, among other concerns.” He added that they looked at 15 possible sites and eliminated them one by one till they were down to two. Then finally, St. Croix became the best selection. Josh Pierre added that because St. Croix is American but has a “Caribbean flair,” this fact helped tip the balance in favor of St. Croix. In addition, it is relatively easy to access by airline. The committee was determined to “bring the gospel to as many people as possible in St. Croix and make a meaningful impact,” Josh Pierre stated.

St. Croix, with eight Adventist congregations on an island of 84 square miles about the size of Idaho, and with 41 thousand inhabitants by the 2020 census count, is part of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) chain that includes St. Thomas and St John. In St. Croix, the Adventist church operates a K to 12 school. On occasion the Community Services Department and the Youth Department would donate food baskets and other services. The Pathfinder Clubs and Drum Corps march on special occasions. That is about the limit of the SDA involvement in the community.

The four invited preachers, Dr. Keith Ainsworth Morris, Dr. James Doggette, Jr., Dr. Ramone Griffith, and Pastor Luis Soto Image by NCC Media

This mission project is multi tasked— medical/dental treatments by the Loma Linda team, the rebuilding of the basketball court at Central Church, youth engagement, and powerful evangelistic preaching by young preachers, all hoping to reach the youth. Could they accomplish these goals? In 15 days?

The four invited preachers, Dr. Keith Ainsworth Morris, Dr James Doggette, Jr., Dr. Ramone Griffith, and Pastor Luis Soto, have all come highly recommended from their various fields and are already making a huge impact at the various sites.

Assisting these preachers is a team of talented Bible workers and powerful singing evangelists.

Josue Pierre, Associate Treasurer for the General Conference of Seventh day Adventists, Pastor Desmond James, President of the North Caribbean Conference (NCC), Pastor Wilmoth James, executive Secretary of the NCC, Pastor Leriano Webster, Communication and Youth Director of the NCC were among the scores of individuals at the Peters Rest Church location for the start of the "Your Journey to Joy' series on Sabbath, March 30, 2024. Image by Richard Dorsey.

A sense of Intentionality

“To win souls and to make a huge impact. That’s what we need to do.” That was the challenge Josh Pierre, the Associate Treasurer of the GC placed on the churches in St. Croix during his first meeting with the combined churches. The local churches enthusiastically bought into the idea of the mission trip, engaging their members and community in a number of projects. Each church and every family was challenged to work with another family in the community. Bible studies and visits involved the entire family and the members were guided in learning to conduct these studies.

Some churches creatively went beyond that. Dr. Vincent David, for example, from Bethel and Faith, Distinct 3, introduced a number of novel ideas that brought the community into the church. For example, he organized a very successful Vacation Bible School, expanded the once -a -week community breakfast, and had a Children’s Dedication Day, when parents were invited to bring their undedicated children to church for a special service. Seventeen children and many parents came to the dedication service and stayed for the fellowship meal afterwards. Dr. David told the congregation, “These are our children. They are part of our community, “and he invited two visiting pastors to pray for the children and their parents. They were all invited to the Impact '24: Your Journey to Joy meetings.

A special Children’s Dedication Day, was organized by Dr. Vincent A David, Pastor of the district at the Faith Seventh day Adventist Church. Parents were invited to bring their undedicated children to church for a special service. Seventeen children and many parents came to the dedication service and stayed for the fellowship meal afterwards. Image by Annette Michael

At the Spanish churches, Sunny Acres and Campo Rico, for months Pastor Marcos Salas has been bussing community children to Sabbath School on Sabbath mornings. These children were also bussed to the VBS the previous summer. They have now formed a Pathfinder club and a drum band. Members are contributing to their Pathfinder uniforms. Almost 30 of these young people are following the services. This Journey to Joy is a real movement toward a goal.

The other districts led by Pastor Earl Esdaile and Pastor Thomas Rose have initiated similar programs to incorporate the community with the church.

Several of the children were at the Sunny Acres Church on Sabbath March 30, 2024 in their pathfinder uniform for the start of the Jour Journey to Joy Service. Image by CARU Media


Who is going to pay for all of this? Funding for this venture comes from many sources. At each level of the Treasury Department, from the GC, to the Inter-American Division, to the Caribbean Union, to the North Caribbean Conference (NCC) and to the eight local churches, all are contributing. Loma Linda University did not contribute financially but, even better, is sending a full team of medical and dental personnel to conduct clinics during the second week of the meetings. These clinics are free to church members and the community. The Adventist Disaster Relief Agency (ADRA) and HOPE Channel, the official television network for the Seventh Day Adventist Church, are also assisting.

At Bethel SDA Church, after an altar call by Dr. Doggette, almost the entire church responded, and four people were baptized. Image by Richard Dorsey

Sabbath March 30, 2024—the Launch

Sabbath March 30, 2024 would reveal the degree of success of such intentional preparation. Would they come?

As many involved in the planning for this venture visited each site—Peter’s Rest, Central, Bethel and Sunny Acres, they found organized, enthusiastic members, beaming guests, rousing singing, dynamic preaching, and overflowing churches. More than three hundred adult guests had registered, many from the Bible classes the church members had previously held. From the responses at each church, it was clear that members and guests were being blessed. The Spirit of God was moving. At Bethel, after an altar call by Dr. Doggette, almost the entire church responded, and four people were baptized. “You’re seeing a successful launch,” commented Josh Pierre.

At the Central SDA Church Dr. Keith Ainsworth Morris was under the Holy Spirit's direction, ministering to a church filled with members and guests seeking joy. Image by Richard Dorsey

The general conclusion is that when the entire church from the GC down to the newest member is focused on our main goal: preaching the gospel to the entire world, we can anticipate more journeys to the ultimate joy of Christ’s appearing.

On March 30, the churches were not filled by accident. “ It was intentional. We have launched a journey designed to give you joy” suggested Pastor Desmond James, President of NCC.

Maybe the old methods of evangelism have made way for a new paradigm, one that uses total member involvement (TMI), and one that is willing to seek partners such as ADRA, HOPE, and the Treasury Department. Some of these are just waiting to be asked.

According to Paul Douglas, when churches become “great partners;” When they are “enthusiastic” and “responsive,” when they are “proactive,” what can we not accomplish for the Gospel of Christ?